With so many twits twittering away on Twitter, it can sometimes be
hard to find the sweet tweets from travel tweeps to follow.
That's where the TravelTweet service comes in - by navigating through
Twitter for awesome travel tweets and putting the Travel Tweet Directory
Connect with the producers of travel web publications on Twitter.
AFAR Media:
Inspiring, guiding, and enabling travelers to have deeper, richer, more
fulfilling experiences. Share your travels using #TravelDeeper.
Business Travel:
Provider of news and features to corporate travel buyers.
Contemporary Class Magazine:
Travel with class, Contemporary Class. An online travel magazine, for
those who are travelling the modern world in style.
Eye for
World's leading online travel news, events and research publisher.
The latest travel news and tips from Wendy Perrin.
Phocus Wire:
Covers technology and distribution in travel, tourism and hospitality.
Sierra Magazine:
Environmental news, lifestyle tips, and free-ranging opinion from the
editors of Sierra magazine. Explore,
enjoy, and protect the planet.
Daily inspiration, expert travel advice and great trips for smarter
Australia's leading travel industry news publication.
Travel Mole:
Global online travel publication for the travel trade and those who are
interested in the industry.
Weekly Australia:
The stand out travel news source, keeping you cool and current on all
the latest travel industry news, destinations, jobs and more.
UK-based travel technology website, magazine and events business.
The best travel and lifestyle deals selected by deal experts worldwide.
Adventurous travel for semi-reponsible adults by Mike Richard; adventure
travel writer, photographer, and all round smartass.

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